20 Great Irish Horror Films That Aren’t Leprechaun

Don’t get me wrong. I love the Leprechaun movies and Leprechaun in the Hood holds a special place in my heart. I have even recently reviewed Leprechaun Returns (2018). I just want to make that clear. However the Leprechaun movies aren’t actual Irish productions. There are some really great movies coming out of Ireland though…

Like.Share.Follow. 2017 | Review

I had this on my watch list but then it sort of disappeared. I did not see any promotion or trailers or release date in theaters or streaming, so I forgot about it, until I jumped down this rabbit hole of cyber terror. I was actually looking for a movie called The Collingswood Story from…

Cyberbully 2015 | Review

I just found out about this movie this morning. Shout out to Seth N for letting me know about this movie. Maisie Williams plays Casey a girl who is just going about her day on the computer in her room. She plays music and video chats with friends. They discover that her ex has written…

Chatroom 2010 | Review

I discovered this movie while watching Cyberbully. Since that was on YouTube I scrolled the comments and one person suggested this movie which is directed by Hideo Nakata. Hideo Nakata is known for directing Ringu and Dark Water. I really liked those, so I thought that I would give this a try. I really like…